Terry Cunningham
Accomplishments Since 2018

"He Gets Things Done"
When I was campaigning in 2017 for Bozeman City Commission, I overheard a conversation at a house party where two women were chatting about my candidacy. "I've known Terry for years," one said. "And he gets $H!T done!" I had to clean up that quote a bit, but I believe the evidence is clear that I have made significant accomplishments over the past 4 years. Many of the accomplishments listed below go well beyond the traditional role of City Commissioner. I am fully committed to making Bozeman a better place to live and work, so my efforts don't stop once the weekly commission meetings are over. Here is a partial list of accomplishments since 2018:
Instrumental in the generation of the City’s Community Housing Action Plan, the most comprehensive plan in Bozeman history, approved in 2020, that involved 25 community stakeholder groups.
Personally negotiated with Lowe’s Corporation to remove obstacles that were blocking Bozeman’s most significant affordable housing / community resources project to date:
235 affordable housing units for families and seniors (Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park).
New low-income medical facility for Community Health Partners.
New childhood learning center for Family Promise.
Arranged for a $1.5 million bridge loan from a philanthropic organization that allowed HRDC to purchase the Boulevard Apartments – preserving 40 low-income housing units for Bozeman’s most vulnerable residents.
Testified before the Montana Board of Housing to win approval of Timber Ridge, a 30-unit housing project that will provide income-qualified housing for low-income seniors.
Testified before the Montana Legislature to create a $15 million loan fund for affordable housing projects in Montana. The bill was approved and has been used to generate hundreds of affordable housing units.
Serve as the City Commission liaison to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board.
Convened a panel of below-market-rate builders & non-profits to share ideas on affordable housing.

When the Bogert Pavilion collapsed under the weight of record snowfall, Bozeman taxpayers were on the hook for expensive repairs. I arranged for a philanthropic donation from Marcia Anderson to cover the repairs, saving taxpayers $350,000.
I arranged for philanthropic contributions of $20,000 to help fund the Community Housing Action Planning process and $54,000 to help fund diversity & equity training for Bozeman commissioners, leaders and staff, saving taxpayers $74,000.
Helped trim over $1 million from the City Manager’s recommended FY ’22 city budget, returning those funds to the taxpayer.
Led an effort to install 6 recreational climbing boulders in city and county parks, raising over $40,000 in private funding to complete the project.
Led an effort to create 2 different off-leash dog parks (Anderson Dog Park and Lewis & Bark Park) that raised over $450,000 in private funds to complete the projects.
Created the property tax relief bill proposal that became Senate Bill 313 which would have given Bozeman citizens the ability to vote to lower their property taxes by using tourism tax funds.

Leading the effort to protect local wetlands by requiring that any mitigation of wetland disruption take place within our local watershed rather than occurring in other counties.
Leading the effort to conduct a comprehensive, multi-agency Sensitive Lands & Conservation effort throughout the Gallatin County, which will be the most ambitious effort ever conducted to identify & protect wildlife habitat & corridors, riparian areas, wetlands and streams, etc.
Leading the effort to create a wetland mitigation bank for the City of Bozeman to allow for protection and/or enhancement of wetlands within the city limits.
Leading the effort to have the city expand its curbside recycling program by offering free 90-day trials to those who aren’t current recycling customers.

Served as Commission liaison to the Climate Action Team that generated the 2020 Climate Action Plan.
Successfully lobbied for more ambitious target goals for greenhouse gas reduction in Climate Action Plan.
Serve on Big Sky Energy Collaborative working group along with elected officials from Missoula City, Missoula County and City of Helena to increase NorthWestern Energy’s commitment to renewal energy sources.
Inserted “Bozeman Net Zero Hero” program into the Climate Action Plan to encourage the creation of energy efficient homes that exceed state building code requirements.
Inserted a county-wide low-interest loan program into the Climate Action Plan for residents and businesses to upgrade buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy costs.
Led the effort to upgrade the sustainability level of the Public Safety Center, which will have the largest public rooftop solar array in the state of Montana.

Created and executed the “Mask Up Gallatin” program that rewarded mask-wearers with the chance to win hundreds of prizes, generating significant community awareness during a time of increased Covid-19 spread.
Coordinated a unique partnership between Simms Fishing Products and Bozeman Health to provide PPE - re-usable gowns – to frontline health workers, and raised over $100,000 in philanthropic funds to pay for the program.
Raised philanthropic funds to produce the first county-wide Covid-19 public service announcement – an animated video featuring the voices of recognizable community figures – to provide nervous residents with information on how to keep our community safe.

Personally requested that the city conduct a serious review of its policies, procedures and “blind spots” where it comes to equity & inclusion.
Pushed for the creation of a formal Inclusive City Plan, a 24-point plan to help address shortcomings in our training, policies and community engagement efforts. The city is currently working through the 24-point plan.
Successfully lobbied to have all city contractors agree to abide by the City’s Gender Equity Pay Policy, which is now part of every city contract.
Instrumental in raising the minimum wage for City of Bozeman employees.

Voted “Gallatin’s Greatest Public Official” for 2020 by Bozeman Chronicle readers.
Highest-ranked Bozeman city official in Bozeman Magazine’s Best of Bozeman 2021 Awards.
The only city commissioner who keeps a public calendar of all of their city-related meetings and calls.
Led over 20 community meetings and small-group presentations that resulted in voter-approval of a new Fire / Police / Court / Victim’s Services facility.
Created the “Bozeman Together” campaign to encourage collaboration between city institutions and interest groups to address Bozeman’s most vexing issues. www.bozemantogether.com